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The numerous benefits of wearing waist trainers are what attract so many to this awesome invention. Firstly, the results are immediate ! This is obvious due to your slimmed waist line upon wearing a waist trainer. Also, there are a list of long term benefits to add as well. You will improve your posture, sculpt your figure and prevent injury. Not sold yet? No worries. We have included an extensive list of physical benefits both short and long term that stem from waist trainer use. 


1. Did you know that wearing corsets can strengthen your back and help you

with past injuries? Yep, yep wearing waist trainers is beneficial in this aspect. It also prevents osteoporosis and other disorders like fibromyalgia and arthritis.


​​​​2. By correcting postures, waist trainers help people with scoliosis manage better and make the back curve less pronounced. After a long time of wearing corsets, scoliosis patients usually experience a vast improvement in their body structure. A man with plantar fasciitis felt major relief from pressure after wearing waist trainers for a few months.


3. One great benefit of waist training is the reduction of headaches since people who wear corsets often are inclined to improve their posture, which prevent the nerves from the spine to constrict. Communication of the spine and the brain becomes less obstructed which in turn causes less migraines.


​​​​4. We are stressing the importance of correct body posture in preventing lumbar injuries especially for people whose profession requires them to stand all day or do a lot of bending and lifting. Mechanics, nurses and carpenters experience back pains because of the nature of their work. When they wear corsets, it will gradually improve their physical support which in turn will enhance their endurance.


5. Corsets have been known to help prevent the weakening of joints experienced by those who have connective tissue disorders. By wearing corsets and improving their posture, they are less likely to encounter dislocation of joints and other physically altering injuries.


6. Wearing waist trainers like corsets have marvelous benefits including helping singers with their vocal exercises. During concerts, they can come in handy because they help singers reach higher notes by adding pressure to the diaphragm.


​​​​​​7. Asthmatic people can benefit greatly from using corsets because proper posture improves the opening of the lungs which allows breathing to be free and consistent. Ask your physician regarding this benefit before you do engage in waist training so that you will know if your body can handle it and if your health will be affected for the better.


​​​​​​​8. A lot of women are thankful to corsets for alleviating the pain of menstrual cramps when they are on their period. It is quite a relief to them when they are in the office and not have to worry about experiencing pain while working. When wearing the corset, the framing puts pressure on the midsection including the peritoneal organs which help with uterine contractions. This kind of pressure significantly relieves pain in the midsection area.


​​​​​​​9. Since corsets add pressure on the abdomen and somewhat acts as a girdle, you can expect abdominal hernias to be prevented. It is best to consult your doctor before using corsets as a way of avoiding abdominal hernias from getting worse. Our bodies differ and you might not be allowed to do this in your situation. It depends on what your body can handle and your doctor can help you determine this.


​​​​​​​10. Wearing corsets is not only a preventive measure for injuries. It can also be an aid as a healing agent for abdominal injuries that are a lot worse especially the ones experienced after a car accident. The muscles in the abs region are strengthened on the external level which in reality can stop them from collapsing.


11. For women who have given birth, there are special types of corsets that can be used to help with diastasis recti or what is commonly referred to as the separation of muscles in the midsection which occur when pregnant women are in the late stages of gestation. As a safety precaution, you can inquire about this subject with your OB because he/she can better explain this in detail.


​​​​​​12. More than just the physical benefits of weight loss for people, wearing corsets can alter the psychological perception of people about their body. When they wear corsets, they feel thinner which motivates them to use corsets often. The weight loss occurs when the corsets prevent the midsection from getting bigger. People who wear corsets are less likely to overeat so the big picture will naturally show a much more in control person who experienced significant weight loss overtime.


​​​​​​​13. You can thank your parents for giving you the body you need but sometimes, it might need some altering so you can possess a body with an hourglass shape. Women who were prescribed to use steroids due to their medical condition will find it challenging to lose weight and get a better body but wearing corsets can give them hope. Through hard work, they can achieve a figure that they will feel comfortable and proud of.


​​​​​​​14. People with ultra-fast metabolic rate also have problems gaining the necessary weight in order to get an hourglass figure. They may experience disorders such as hyperthyroidism. If they just wear corsets for a specific period of time, they will be able to eat better and the weight gain can be targeted to specific areas in the body through the framing of the corsets.

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