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7 Day Waist Training Regimen

















This is a step by step guide to assist you on what to do and expect within your first week of waist training. Now, waist training is a gradual process even though the waist slimming effect of wearing a trainer is instant. 



Day 1

Upon your first day, you will want to wear your trainer an average of 2-3 hours. You will feel uncomfortable seeing as you are not used to the compression that the trainer will apply. This is normal. However, it is not normal if you are hurting. Listen to your body. It will communicate to you exactly what it's limits are.



Day 2

Up your initial wear time by an hour. If you were able to train for 2-3 initially, go to 3-4 hours. It should be a bit more easy to put on and still feel pretty tight, firm and somewhat constricting but again, SHOULD NOT hurt. 




Day 3

Today, you will add an additional hour minimum. If you were able to go 4 the day before, let's go 5! If 5, let's go 6 hours today. You got this girl!  If you have a sport trainer, try to start incorporating some bits of your routine into the time that you are waist training. Start slow and do ONLY what is comfortable for you. 



Day 4

It's day 4 now! Look at you girl! By now we should be bumped up to about 7-8 hours of training and incorporating your work out routine into your waist training time. Oh yea, have you noticed that you are not eating as much while you are training? And when you do, you do not eat quite as much? Welp, this is another asset about waist training. Your appetite is suppressed to a certain extent.



Day 5

Made it to day 5? You're awesome! Now just keep it up. Continue with your 8 hour days. It is best to train daily but if you need to take somewhat of a break, wear your waist trainer for only a couple of hours for 1 day out of the week. We say 1 day due to the fact that we do not want you to get out of the habit or turning cheat days into cheat weeks. Lol. Hey, you are only human. We get it. But let's be dedicated. If you have the dedication that is needed when waist training, you WILL see results. We promise it!



Day 6

Alright, you are finishing up on your first week of training. how awesome are you? By now, you should be wearing your waist trainer for at least 8 hours per day. You should also be incorporating your waist trainer wear hours into your workout time. Working out while waist training is not essential but it will defiantly speed up the process and give you even better results in a shorter amount of time. Plus, if you have that old gym membership that has been just sitting on ice for the past year or so, this is a great excuse to make up for lost time. I think we all have had that one phantom membership that is automatically drafted out of our account but we don't even recall what the inside of the place looks like or how to get there. We are all guilty. But, this does not have to have any bearing on today forward. Let's do this!





Day 7

Day 7. The day of REST! If you are going to take advantage of a cheat day, you better do it today because after this day, you are no longer a "Beginner." Your body has gotten used to the trainer now. Your trainer has become more comfortable and you need less off time in between waist training.  Give your body time. The goal is to have that coke bottle shape even if you are NOT wearing your waist trainer. Don't just settle for the shape your trainer lends when you are wearing it. Let's get that shape when it's off as well. If you stick to the plan you can achieve this and quickly. 

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